The selection criteria and processes may vary slightly from case to case, depending on the overall aim and target group of the projects (specific profiles, skills, or experiences may be a requirement in some cases). As a rule, the JX Fund publishes open calls for grants or participation in various projects. For a general description of media that we support, please see the section “Who we support” above.
All applications that meet the formal criteria are submitted to a rotating, independent expert committee that usually consists of three to five members, who are chosen based on their regional knowledge, journalistic experience, and expertise in media development. The members of the expert committee initially assess the applications individually before submitting their assessments anonymously for the entire committee to discuss. Final recommendations are based on a vote.
Promoting sustainability and diversity are important guiding principles of our work. Since its foundation, the JX Fund has supported very different media in different phases of their development in exile. These have included large media as well as small, niche media. We welcome creativity in formats, channels, and business ideas, as long as they are viable.