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Limitations of Anti-War Messaging Oriented at Russians

  • Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
  • Fyodor Krasheninnikov

Six month after the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, the report explores the structure of anti-war propaganda in the Russian-speaking community, its successes and limitations.

Russia’s New Expats: Interview with Roman Dobrokhotov

  • Wilson Center
  • Jill Dougherty, Roman Dobrokhotov

The founder of The Insider discusses the war on journalism in Russia: the importance of investigative journalism, the increased demand for war-related information, and journalists in the digital age.

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A Guide to Russian Media in the Times of Total Censorship

  • Proekt
  • Yulia Balakhonova et al.

We talk in detail about how the war and repressions transformed the Russian media: why independent media outlets didn’t lose their audience despite blocking; the salary hikes that the authorities had to offer their spin doctors; and how censorship works in the private media.

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Journalism in Exile: Justified in Individual Cases

  • Sueddeutsche Zeitung
  • Joshua Beer

Hundreds of Russian journalists are fleeing Putin’s wartime regime and entire editorial offices are being set up in exile. This article explores how a fund and visa facilitations are supposed to help.

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