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Why Do Belarusian Journalists Risk Their Lives For The Truth?

  • The Journal
  • Sasha Romanova

41 Belarusian journalists remain behind bars since 2020, punished for covering protests against presidential election fraud that gave Alexander Lukashenko a sixth term in power. Their prison sentences range from 3 to 15 years, simply for doing their jobs — reporting the news. Hundreds more have fled the country. Yet they continue their work. Why?

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Chronicle of Repression Against Belarusian Journalism

  • Press Club Belarus

What has happened to the Belarusian media and journalists since the day of the presidential elections — from 9 August 2020 until today — is an unprecedented case of the eradication of independent journalism in a single country, in the centre of Europe, in the 21st century.

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Study: Belarusian Media Since the Revolution of 2020

  • JX Fund

Despite many challenges, independent Belarusian media are still uniquely valued by their audiences. The study “Silenced But Resilient: Belarusian Media Since the Revolution of 2020” by JX Fund and The Fix Research and Advisory is giving an overview of Belarusian media in exile since 2020.

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Poland Cuts Financing for Exiled Belarusian Media

  • The Kyiv Independen
  • Maria Yeryoma

The International Press Institute has urged Poland’s Foreign Ministry to reconsider its decision to cut the financing of Belsat, a flagship Belarusian-language broadcaster operating within Poland’s public television service (TVP), amid growing concern about the survival of exiled Belarusian media. With the budget slashed, Belsat is not alone in being in a precarious state.

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Belarusian Journalists Coping with Trauma

  • International Journalists’ Network
  • Adaria Sugonyako

Belarusian independent journalists have been through a lot since 2020. Many journalists have been forced into exile. A lot of media workers today are in need of mental health support. Belarusian Journalists share their experiences coping with trauma.

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